СГ.02 ин яз в проф деят

Министерство образования и науки Республики Хакасия
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное
образовательное учреждение Республики Хакасия
«Черногорский горно-строительный техникум»
специальности 21.02.19 «Землеустройство»

по специальности 21.02.19 «Землеустройство»


I. Паспорт комплекта контрольно-оценочных средств
1.1. Область применения комплекта контрольно-оценочных средств
Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств предназначен для оценки результатов
образовательных достижений учебной дисциплины СГ.02 Иностранный язык в
профессиональной деятельности (английский).
Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств содержит задания для проведения
текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации в форме дифференцированного
1.2. Результаты освоения дисциплины, подлежащие проверке
В результате освоения учебной дисциплины СГ.02 Иностранный язык в
профессиональной деятельности (английский) обучающийся должен обладать
предусмотренными ФГОС по специальности 21.02.19 Землеустройство
Результаты обучения:
умения, знания, общие и
У1- понимать общий смысл
четко произнесенных
высказываний на известные
темы (профессиональные и
бытовые), понимать тексты на
базовые профессиональные
У2- участвовать в диалогах на
знакомые общие и
профессиональные темы
У3 - строить простые
высказывания о себе и о своей
У4- кратко обосновывать и
объяснить свои действия
(текущие и планируемые)
У5- писать простые связные
сообщения на знакомые или
профессиональные темы
З1 - правила построения

Показатели оценки
Демонстрация умения
понимать общий смысл
четко произнесенных
высказываний на
известные темы
(профессиональные и
бытовые), понимать
тексты на базовые
профессиональные темы
Демонстрация умения
участвовать в диалогах
на знакомые общие и
профессиональные темы
Демонстрировать умение
строить простые
высказывания о себе и о
своей профессиональной
Демонстрировать умение
кратко обосновывать и
объяснить свои действия
(текущие и
Демонстрировать умение
писать простые связные
сообщения на знакомые
или интересующие
профессиональные темы
Демонстрация знаний

Форма контроля и оценивания

Тестирование, устный опрос,
экспертное наблюдение
выполнения заданий на
практических занятиях,
дифференцированный зачет

Тестирование, устный опрос,
экспертное наблюдение
выполнения заданий на
практических занятиях,
дифференцированный зачет
Тестирование, устный опрос,
экспертное наблюдение
выполнения заданий на
практических занятиях,
дифференцированный зачет
Тестирование, устный опрос,
экспертное наблюдение
выполнения заданий на
практических занятиях,
дифференцированный зачет
Тестирование, устный опрос,
экспертное наблюдение
выполнения заданий на
практических занятиях,
дифференцированный зачет
Тестирование, устный опрос,

простых и сложных
предложений на
профессиональные темы
З2 - основные
глаголы (бытовая и
профессиональная лексика)
З3 - лексический минимум,
относящийся к описанию
предметов, средств и
процессов профессиональной
З4- особенности

написания простых
связных сообщений на
знакомые или
профессиональные темы
Демонстрация знаний
глаголов (бытовая и
Демонстрация знаний
лексического минимума,
относящегося к
описанию предметов,
средств и процессов
Демонстрация знания

З5- правила чтения текстов

Демонстрация знаний
правил чтения текстов

ОК 02 Использовать
современные средства
поиска, анализа и
интерпретации информации,
и информационные
технологии для выполнения
задач профессиональной
OK 03. Планировать и
реализовывать собственное
профессиональное и
личностное развитие,
деятельность в
профессиональной сфере,
использовать знания по
финансовой грамотности в
различных жизненных

Поиск необходимой
информации; анализ
инноваций в области
публикаций в
профессиональное и
личностное развитие,
деятельность в
сфере, использовать
знания по финансовой
грамотности в
различных жизненных
Грамотно использовать

ОК 09 Пользоваться

экспертное наблюдение,
дифференцированный зачет

Тестирование, устный опрос,
экспертное наблюдение
выполнения заданий на
практических занятиях,
дифференцированный зачет
Тестирование, устный опрос,
экспертное наблюдение
выполнения заданий на
практических занятиях,
дифференцированный зачет
Тестирование, устный опрос,
экспертное наблюдение
выполнения заданий на
практических занятиях,
дифференцированный зачет
Тестирование, устный опрос,
экспертное наблюдение
выполнения заданий на
практических занятиях,
дифференцированный зачет
Экспертное наблюдение и оценка
деятельности обучающегося в
процессе освоения учебной

Экспертное наблюдение и оценка
деятельности обучающегося в
процессе освоения учебной

Экспертное наблюдение и оценка
деятельности обучающегося в

документацией на
государственном и
иностранном языках

документацию на
государственном и
иностранном языках

процессе освоения учебной

Объект оценивания «Составление диалога на основе текстовогоматериала»
Типовое задание 1. Read the following text and use it to compare education in
Russiaand the USA.
Education in Russia
(text about the Russian Educational System for intermediate level)
1. academic subjects – учебные предметы
2. competition – зд. конкурс
3. fierce — жесткий
4. public — государственный
5. bachelor’s degree – диплом бакалавра
6. specialist’s degree – диплом инженера
7. master’s degree – диплом магистра
8. higher education — высшее образование
9. institutions of higher education — высшие учебные заведения
All Russian children have the right to education, but it is not only a right, it is a
duty, too. Education in our country is compulsory and now lasts eleven years. It
consists of primary education and secondary education.
Primary education starts at the age of 6 or 7 and continues for four years. After
finishing primary school pupils go on to secondary school. The school year starts in
September and ends in May. Generally there 4 school terms with holidays up to 10
days between them. Thesummer holidays last from June to September.
Most schools in Russia are comprehensive, which take pupils of all abilities
without entrance exams. As a rule, pstudents go to school 5 days a week. But
there are also specialized schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, which give
profound knowledge in various academic subjects. In lyceums and gymnasiums
students study 6 days a week.
After finishing the 9th form students must take 4 examinations. Then young people
can choose to stay at school, enter a college or a technical school. But to enter a
university theyhave to study for two more years (either at school or at college).
Higher education in Russia.
There are many colleges and universities in our country, but it is not easy to enter a
university or college as the competition is rather fierce. Most of the colleges and
universitiesare public and students do not have to pay for their education.
After 4 years of study students can pass examinations and get a bachelor’s degree,
after 5years a specialist’s degree and after 6 years a master’s degree.
There are a lot of institutions of higher education in our country:
 the Moscow State University (Московский Государственный Университет)
 the Linguistic University, known as Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign
Languages (Лингвистический Университет, известный как Институт
иностранных языковимени Мориса Терезы)
 People’s Friendship University of Russia (Российский Университет

They are well-known not only in Russia but also abroad.
Задание. Retell the text to make sure that you have remembered the words:
1. study academic subjects
2. there is a fierce competition
3. take entrance exams
4. enter a university
5. get profound knowledge
6. get a bachelor’s degree
7. get higher education
8. various institutions of higher education
Объект оценивания «Знание грамматического материала»
Типовое задание 2. Проверка освоения тем «Личные местоимения» и
«Притяжательные местоимения».
1. Paraphrase the following sentences using the Possessive Case.
1. The office of our manager is very big.
2. They will consider the proposals of Mr. Black at their next meeting.
3. This is, in the opinion of the critics, their best record for years.
4. The computer of Tom and Helen is modern.
5. We have not yet received the answer of buyers.
6. The working day of our Commercial Director begins at 9 o’clock in the morning.
7. Do you know the telephone number of the Petrovs?
8. My husband knows a lot about detective novels of Agatha Christie.
9. She put the wet boots of the boys near the stove.
2. Make the nouns in bold plural. Change sentences if necessary.
1. A copy of the contract was sent to London.
2. The last leaf fell from the tree.
3. The woman standing by the window is our secretary.
4. This shoe is too large for my foot.
5. “Is this worker an Englishman or a German?” — “He is a Frenchman".
6. The mouse was caught.
7. What is the child’s name?
8. The roof of the house was covered with snow.
9. A potato is a vegetable and a cherry is a fruit.
3. Make the nouns in bold singular. Change sentences if necessary.
1. These factories produce furniture.
2. The wives of the sailors came to the shore.
3. I have hurt my feet and hands.
4. In the farmyard we could see oxen, sheep, cows and geese.
5. Do your teeth still ache?
6. These are my friends’ studies
7. He keeps his toys in the boxes.
8. These ladies are those gentlemen’s wives.
9. The children are sitting on the benches.

Тема 2. История развития автомобилестроения. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 2
Оценка адекватности перевода с учетом норм литературного русского языка..
по теме «Разряды прилагательных». «Степени сравнения
прилагательных», «Сравнительные конструкции».
Объект оценивания «Перевод аутентичного текстового материала с
последующим выполнением послетекстовых упражнений»
Типовое задание 1 .Прочитайте и переведите текст.
The first engine-powered farm tractors used steam and were introduced in 1868. These
engines were built as small road locomotives and were handled by one operator if the
engine weighed less than five tons. They were used for general road haulage and, in
particular, by thetimber trade. The most popular steam tractor was the Garrett 4CD.
Gasoline Powered Tractors
According to the book "Vintage Farm Tractors" by Ralph W. Sanders,
Credit goes to the Charter Gasoline Engine Company of Sterling in Illinois for first
successfully using gasoline as fuel. Charter's creation of a gasoline-fueled engine in
1887 soon led to early gasoline traction engines before the term 'tractor' was coined
by others. Charter adapted its engine to a Rumley steam-traction-engine chassis and
in 1889 produced six of the machines to become one of the first working gasoline
traction engines.
John Froelich
Sanders' book "Vintage Farm Tractors" also discusses several other early gas-powered
tractors. This includes one invented by John Froelich, a custom Thresherman from Iowa
who decided to try gasoline power for threshing. He mounted a Van Duzen gasoline
engine on a Robinson chassis and rigged his own gearing for propulsion. Froelich used
the machine successfully to power a threshing machine by belt during his 52-day
harvest season of 1892 inSouth Dakota.
The Froelich tractor, the forerunner of the later Waterloo Boy tractor, is considered by
many to be the first successful gasoline tractor. Froelich's machine fathered a long line
of stationary gasoline engines and, eventually, the famous John Deere two-cylinder
William Paterson
J.I. Case's first pioneering efforts at producing a gas traction engine date back to 1894,
or maybe earlier to when William Paterson of Stockton, California came to Racine to
make an experimental engine for Case. The Case ads in the 1940s, harking back to the
firm's history inthe gas tractor field, claimed 1892 as the date for Paterson's gas traction
engine, though patentdates suggest 1894. The early machine ran, but not well enough to
be produced.
Charles Hart and Charles Parr
Charles W. Hart and Charles H. Parr began their pioneering work on gas engines in the
late 1800s while studying mechanical engineering at the University of Wisconsin at
Madison. In 1897, the two men formed the Hart-Parr Gasoline Engine Company of
Madison. Three years later, they moved their operation to Hart's hometown of Charles
City, Iowa, where they received financing to make gas traction engines based on their

innovative ideas.
Their efforts led them to erect the first factory in the U.S. dedicated to the production
of gas traction engines. Hart-Parr is also credited with coining the word "tractor" for
machines that had previously been called gas traction engines. The firm's first tractor
effort, Hart-Parr No.1,was made in 1901.
Ford Tractors
Henry Ford produced his first experimental gasoline-powered tractor in 1907 under
the direction of chief engineer Joseph Galamb. Back then, it was referred to as an
"automobile plow" and the name "tractor" was not used. After 1910, gasoline-powered
tractors were usedextensively in farming.
Frick Tractors
The Frick Company was located in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania. George Frick started his
business in 1853 and built steam engines well into the 1940s. The Frick Company was
alsowell known for sawmills and refrigeration units.
1.1 Reading Comprehension
1. Read the text about inventors and their inventions.

Choose the right

continuationof the following sentences.
1. A steam engine
2. A new internal combustion
3. The main advantage of diesels is
4. The world famous Rolls Royce
5. All the cars produced by the
6. Henry Royce
7. A German engineer Rudolf
8. Morse code is

a. very popular even nowadays
b. was the most comfortableand
reliable car.
c. was invented by Rudolf Diesel.
d. was invented by James Watt.
e. was a car engineer by profession.
f. were called “Mercedes-Benz”.
g. made his famous invention in
h. that they run on rather cheap fuel.

Read the text about inventors and their inventions. Find the right
continuation tothe given sentences.


Changes in the man’s way of life have become more evident since
the discovery of a pistol with 6 bullets;
the birth of Edison, one of the greatest inventors;
the first patented invention was registered

An invention is
A. the case of finding something which existed before but was not known to people.
It isoften a place or a scientific fact;

B. a difficulty that needs attention and thought in order to solve it;
C. something that is finished or gained through skill or hard work;
D. a useful thing or idea which is produced by scientists for the first time.

The “Silver Ghost” model was
A. famous for its reliability and comfort;
B. created by Wright brothers;
C. one of the best racing cars at the beginning of the 20th century.
D. named after its creator Tom Silver.
4. Due to the development of a rubber solution
A. raincoats were called makintoshes;
B. a transport revolution began;
C. the production of waterproof raincoats was quite successful;
D. raincoats became very popular.
3. Put all the sentences in chronological order.
 These two inventors managed to design the most reliable and comfortable car for
thebeginning of the last century.
 He invented the first gun with 6 bullets.
 This invention got its name after the inventor and is used in rainy weather.
 The invention of this engine gave birth to a large number of other discoveries
 This invention is used nowadays all over the world though there were some
otherinventions on analogy in the 19th century.
 Last century was remarkable for the introduction of the laser, the proliferation of
calculators and computers and a revolution in the telecommunication industry
The main advantage of that invention was that it used rather cheap fuel.

Объект оценивание «Знание грамматического материала»
Типовые задания по грамматике «Степени сравнения прилагательных».
1. Выберите в скобках правильную степень прилагательного:

Nick is (happier, the happiest) boy that I know. – Ник – самый счастливый
мальчик,которого я знаю.
2. Of the six cars, I like the silver one (better, best). – Из шести машин мне
нравитсясеребристая больше всего.
3. Jane’s notebook is (cheaper, the cheapest) than mine. – Ноутбук Джейн
дешевле,чем мой.
4. This is (more delicious, the most delicious) cheese-cake I have ever had! – Это
самыйвкусный чизкейк, который я пробовала!
5. This bookcase is (more beautiful, the most beautiful) than that one. – Этот
книжныйшкаф красивее, чем тот.

Do you feel (better, the best) today than yesterday? – Ты чувствуешь себя лучше
сегодня, чем вчера?
7. I think my cat is (prettier, the prettiest) of all the cats in the world. – Думаю, что
моякошка – самая красивая кошка в мире.
8. Steve Jobs is (more famous, famouser) than Stephen Wozniak. – Стив Джобс
болееизвестен, чем Стивен Возняк.
9. This week the weather is (hotter, more hot) than last week. – На этой неделе
погодажарче, чем на прошлой неделе.
10. Our new house is (more expensive, expensiver) than the old one. – Наш новый
домдороже, чем старый.
11. Girls are usually (cleaner, more clean) than boys. – Девочки обычно более
чистые,чем мальчики.
12. Chemistry was (harder, the hardest) subject at school. – Химия была самым
трудным предметом в школе.

Дайте степени сравнения прилагательных.
Н-р: wet – wetter – the wettest
expensive – more expensive – the most expensive
1. big (большой) 2. clever (умный) 3. good (хороший) 4. pleasant (приятный) 5.
poor (бедный) 6. bad (плохой) 7. funny (смешной) 8. important (важный) 9. sunny
10. far (далекий) 11. comfortable (удобный) 12. wise (мудрый)

3. Составьте из данных слов предложения и переведите их.

most – the Mona Lisa – in – is – painting – the – famous – the – world.
longer – the Don – is – the Volga – than.
more – Spain – Germany – than – beautiful - is.
London – city – in – biggest – the – England – is.
the – team – Adam – is - worst – the – player – in.

Упражнение 4. Скажите, какие из следующих предложений составлены
верно, исправьте ошибки. Say which of these sentences are right and correct
the wrong ones.
1 I hope that next time you’ll speak to your uncle more politely. 2. Peter usually
comes to his classes most late of his classmates. 3. Who can solve this problem most
quickly? 4. This time he listened to his little sister patienter than usual. 5. Could you
speak a little slower, please? 6. When I was a very young child I thought that to sing
best meant to sing loudest. 7. I think that now I see the whole problem much more
clearly. 8. Who lives more near to the school — youor your friend? 9. Alice goes to
the theatre frequentest of us all. 10. Will you raise your handsa bit higher, please? I
can't see them. 11. In December it snows oftener than in November. 12. He knows
three languages but he speaks English easiest. 13. Last night I slept peacefullier than
before. 14, Could you come to school more early and water the plants tomorrow? 15.
This new computer works most fast and can solve problems in no time.

Упражнение 5. Translate.
1. Ты не мог бы вести машину быстрее?
2. Поезд прибыл раньше, чем обычно.
3. Моя сестра помогает маме чаще других членов нашей семьи.
4. Из пяти спортсменов Вася прыгнул выше всех.
5. Миссис Финч разговаривает с медсестрами терпеливее всех других врачей.
6. Наша собака лает громче соседской.
7. Мой брат пишет бабушке чаще, чем я.
8. Анна говорит по-английски лучше Васи.
9. Вася живет ближе всех к школе.


Типовые задания по грамматике «Сравнительные конструкции».
1. Поставьте “so”, “such” или “such a/an”. Переведите предложения.
It was … hard nut that I couldn’t crack it.
The wine was … cold that we couldn’t drink it.
She was … nervous that she phoned her doctor.
Susan cooked … delicious food.
We arrived … late that we missed the train.
His son is … clever boy.
Monkeys are … funny animals.
Alice danced … beautifully!
“Harry Potter” is … interesting book.
Our teacher always wears … pretty dresses.

2. Перефразируйте предложения, используя конструкции «as … as» или «so …

1. He is very tall and she is very tall too. (Он очень высокий, и она тоже
оченьвысокая.) – He is ........... her.
2. Jane and Tim are both good swimmers. (Джейн и Тим – оба хорошие пловцы.)
– Jane swims ……….
3. Sara is stronger than me. (Сара сильнее меня.) – I’m not ……….
4. Our hotel is more expensive than yours. (Наш отель дороже, чем ваш.) – Your
hotel isn’t ................. ours.
5. His blue suit is very smart and his black suit is also very smart. (Его синий
костюм классный, и черный костюм тоже классный.) – His blue suit is ……….
his black suit.
6. My cat is younger than my dog. (Моя кошка младше собаки.) – My dog isn’t
my cat.
Объект оценивания «перевод аутентичного текста и составление
диалогических ситуаций на его основе».
Типовое задание 1 .Прочитайте и переведите текст.
Transport related environmental pollution has many faces, but two of them are
especially onerous: emission of harmful compounds of exhaust gases and
vibroacoustic effects with particular significance of noise. Effective counteracting to
these nuisances requires tools supporting decision making in designing sustainable

transport systems, especially in the area of predicting and managing traffic flows.
The assessment of environmental efficiency of transport system in terms of
pollution and noise should take into account external costs of preventing and
eliminating harmful effects of transport activities. In general, the efficiency of
transport system is a mix of two elements: effective realization of its main
objectives and the costs of counteracting negative effects of its operations. The
level of objectives implementation can be described as the effects of the system,
while the inputs correspond to the resources involved to achieve the objectives –
including reduction of the negative impact of transport on the environment [1, 2].
Unwanted effects of transport operation are environment and health degradation.
For example, community noise, including traffic noise, is already recognized as a
serious public health problem by the World Health Organization. Most important in
this context is the road transport sector, due to the fact that it is responsible for the
majority of external costs of transport in total Over 210 million people in EU is
exposed to harmful traffic noise which has a variety of adverse impacts on human
health. Noise-induced health effects include: disturbance on sleep, activities,
performance and concentration, annoyance and stress, biological risk factors,
cardiovascular diseases and psychiatric disorders Detrimental effects of transport
on the environment and health entails significant indirect costs (arising in the
design, manufacture, consumption and utilization of transport means and
infrastructure) and direct costs (accidents, noise, vibration). Although effects of this
impact are difficult to estimate, but it must be done for proper decision making in
traffic management and according to law requirements. The inclusion of costs of
negative influence of transport (internalisation), especially in road mode, is
postulated as a factor in the development of transport systems in conformity with
environmental and health aspects.
Задание 2. Составить диалог на основе данного текста об «Экологии
транспорта вРоссии»
Объект оценивания «Знание грамматического материала»
Типовые упражнение на отработку грамматической темы «Предлоги».
1. Комплекс упражнений и заданий на автоматизацию употребления

предлогов места ванглийском языке.
1. Вставить предлоги по смыслу.

Вставьте предлоги in, on, behind, next to, under,
between,1Where is the bed? It is ……the kitchen.
2Where is the chair? It is ……the table.
3Where is the lion? It is............... the TV and The bed.
4Where is the bike? It is .....................the door.
5Where is the table? It is .................. the chair.
6Where is the door? It is .......................the elephant.
7Where are the pictures? They are ...........the wall (стена).

2. Вставь вместо пропусков предлоги on/ under/ next to/ in/ behind.

The lamp is...........the desk.
The cat is ............. the desk.
The chair is ................ the desk.
The girl is ................. the boy.
The book is ............... the desk.
The pencils are .............. the desk organizer.
The copybook is ..................... the book.
The boy is ...................the desk.
2. Верное/ неверное утверждение
Напиши True, если предложение верное, False, если предложение
неверное.The rulers are in the bag………….
The apple is in the bag………………
The books are behind the bag………..
The pencils are behind the books………..
The pencil is in the bag………………
The board is behind the bag…………
The apple is next to the books…………..
The rulers are on the bag…………….
1. The lamp is on the desk. ……………..
2. The picture is next to the guitar. …………
3. The guitar is behind the bed. …………..
4. The carpet is in the middle of the room……..
5. The computer is under the desk…………….
6. The green book is on the chair……………..
7. The chairs are next to the desks………..
8. The beds are next to the window
Тема 4. Здоровье и спорт.
Проверка и оценка практических заданий по грамматике: числительные.
Оценкавыполнение тестовых заданий по теме «Здоровый образ жизни».
Оценка монологического высказывания по теме: «Мой любимый вид спорта».
Объект оценивание «аудирование»
Типовое задание 1.(тест). Построение диалоговых ситуаций по его
Answer the questions and see how healthy you are.
1. How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?
a.every day
b.4 times a week
c.twice a week
2. How often do you do morning exercises?
a.every day

3. What do you have for breakfast?
4. How often do you drink cola?
a.never b.once
a week
c.almost every day
5. How long do you watch TV during a day?
a.about 1 hour
b.2 or 3 hours
c.more than 3 hours
6. How long do you play computer games?
a.30 minutes
b.1 hour
c.more than 1 hour
7. How many hours do you sleep?
a.8-10 hours
b.7 hours
c.less than 7 hours
Results: if you have mostly a) answers, you are healthy.
Congratulations!If you have b) answers don’t be lazy. Think it
If you have c) answers, go to the doctor! You may be ill!
Объект оценивания «Знание грамматического материала»
Типовые упражнения на отработку грамматической темы
«Числительные»1.Прочитайте следующие словосочетания:
1. 150 magazines; 1800 students; 2000 dollars; 12000 specialists; 5640000 books;
2. on page 546; by bus 287; in room 819; 7 o’clock train;
3. hundreds of students; dozens of shops; millions of peoples; thousands of dollars.

Переведите на английский язык

1. 25 км; 163 тысячи долларов; 90 картин; 200 миллионов людей;
3500автомобилей; 4 тысячи машин;
2. сотни автомобилей; десятки журналов; тысячи студентов; миллионы людей.

Прочитайте даты:

1. in 1965; in 1907; in 1945; in 1998; in 2000; in 2008;
2. at the beginning of 2000; at the end of 1729; by the beginning of 2005; by the

end of2004.
3. 1/2 kilometer; 1/8 ton; 0.5; 4.26; 1.234.
4. Найдите 14 числительных в представленном кроссворде.


h o u
w n h
e u
n i n
t d
t e


s a n d
e i g h t
s i x
d h r e e t
y v
v y
n i

d f i f t e e n

5. Назовите и напишите номера по порядку.

12345678910 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 -

6. Напишите следующие цифры порядковыми числительными.

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 -


11 21 32 43 54 65 76 87 98 109 -

7. Прочитайте даты.
1. May 9, 1945
2. August 24, 1991September 1, 2004
3. December 31, 2005
4. on the 1st of January;
5. on the 23rd of February;
6. on the 8th of March;
7. on the 5th of May.
8. Переведите на английский язык.

30 марта;
1 ноября;
15 сентября;
2 июля;
к 3 августа;
к 14 апреля;
к 29 ноября;
к 24 февраля.

Оценка заданий грамматического и речевого характера по теме
«Местоимения». Составление таблицы «преимущества и недостатки
путешествия на различных видахтранспорта »
Объект оценивания «Знание грамматического материала»
Типовое задание 2. Проверка освоения тем «Личные местоимения» и
«Притяжательные местоимения».
1. Сколько падежей у личных местоимений в английском языке?

Назовите этипадежи.
2. Какое личное местоимение заменяет и одушевленные, и
3. Назовите личные местоимения, которые имеют одинаковую форму
во всехпадежах.
4. Притяжательное местоимение всегда стоит после существительного, к
которомуоно относится, или перед ним?

5. Если личное местоимение I (Я) употребляется рядом с другими

личными местоимениями (или существительными), то оно стоит до
или после них?Приведите пример.
Задание 2. Обозначьте грамматически верное предложение буквой C
(Correct), аневерное – W (Wrong).
1. Mary lives alone. Her husband is in London now.
2. John invited me to him presentation.
3. My parents lost them old photos.
4. Please send your cards directly to our office.
5. Tom can’t open the door. Him has lost his keys.
Задание 3. Скажите, каким местоимением (he, she, it, her, they, them)
можнозаменить выделенные слова.
Образец: Pete is a pupil. – He is a pupil.
1. Tom is a doctor.
2. Mary is in the garden. Call the girl.
3. The books are on the table. Take the books.
4. The scarves are red.
5. The English text-book is in the bag. Take the text-book.
Вставьте местоимения I, we, you, us.
Образец: Mary and Ann, where are ...? - Mary and Ann, where are you?
1. am a school-girl.
2. How old are ...? .......... am eleven.
3. Boris, show........... the photos, please.
4. Are Mary and you friends? Yes, ... are ..... are good friends.
Задание 4. Решите тесты (только один ответ верный).
1. I can see Amanda.
is waiting for the New York plane.
A) I
B) She
C) His
D) He
2. The clerk is speaking to the women. He is talking to .
A) them
B) they
C) him
D) he
3. I haven’t got the keys. Father has got
A) him
B) her
C) it
D) them
4. Can you see those boys and
A) they
B) them

C) their
D) him
5. Cats can wash
A) they
B) his
C) its
D) their

paws and fur.

Объект оценивания «Уметь писать и говорить»
Типовое задание 1. Заполните таблицы.


Тема 6. Моя будущая профессия, карьера.
Оценка Грамматического о материала на основе коммуникативных и речевых
заданий. Оценка выполнения тестовых заданий по теме ««Present Simple Tense»,
Проверка и оценка коммуникативных упражнений, диалоговых ситуаций.
Объект оценивания «Знание грамматического материала»
Типовые задания по отработке грамматического материала «Модальный
глагол should»
1. Переведите предложения и определите значение модального глагола

(совет,обязанность, упрек, недоумение).
We should think twice before buying that yacht.
You should have thanked the teacher.
A real lady should be delicate in her words and doings.
Why should I wash their cups?
She shouldn’t be so light-minded.
They should inform the police immediately.
How should I know that?
You should have warned me beforehand.
The secretary should answer the phone-calls.
10. Your son should take part in this mathematical competition.
Найдите к каждой проблеме из левой колонки подходящий совет из правой.
He is 10 years younger than Sara.
A. You should go and wash it.
My plants are dying.
B. She shouldn’t marry him.
I have put on 5 kilos lately.
C. You should connect the charger.
Your hair looks greasy.
D. You shouldn’t eat so many sweets.
My telephone battery is getting low.
E. You should water them regularly.


Поставьте should или shouldn’t.
You … eat too much salt and sugar.
You … drive carefully.
It’s midnight. We … go home.
Your little daughter … spend so much money on toys.
It’s quite cold today. We … wear our jackets.
The service is awful here. We … complain to the manager.
Your shirt is dirty. You … change it.
The parcel is fragile. You … throw it.

Типовые задание по оценке грамматической темы «Present Simple Tense»
Теоретический тест
Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
Present Simple употребляется для обозначения
простого повторяющего действия в настоящем
длительного действия в настоящем
будущих действий
В 3-м лице ед.ч. глагол в Present simple имеет окончание
Если глагол оканчивается на -ss, - sh, -ch, -x, -o, то в 3-м лице ед.ч.
добавляетсяокончание .
Если в 3-м лице ед.ч. глаголы, оканчивающиеся на букву –y, перед
которойстоит согласная буква, имеют окончание –es, при этом буква y
меняется на
c. i
Вставьте правильный ответ.
Какие глаголы- помощники существуют в Present Simple?
2. С грамматическим временем Present Simple обычно употребляются
следующиеуказатели времени:
3. Наречия времени в предложении обычно ставятся
4. Если в предложении используется глагол to be, то наречие времени ставится
Исправьте ошибки:
My sister like dancing.
Her friend do not go for a walk every day.
My mother usually cook porridge for breakfast.
He takes always a shower every morning.
Does you live in Moscow?
She do not be at work now.
His father watchs the TV every evenings.
Объект оценивания «Умение читать и переводить»

Типовое задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
FARM MACHINERY 1. We know the farmer to have a wide range of machinery to
plow and disk, and harrow, and plant, and fertilize, and finally harvest faster, easier
and more profitably today. The machine is known to be a device that uses force to
accomplish something transmitting and changing force or motion into work. 2.
Agricultural implements and machines being very numerous and diversified now may
be divided into 4 main groups: tillage equipment, planting equipment, fertilizing
equipment, harvesting equipment. 3. The aim of tillage is to prepare the soil for
planting and to keep it loose and free from weeds during the growth of crops. The
primary tillage equipment used by the farmer includes plows, sub-soilers, and
thinners. The secondary tillage equipment embraces harrows, rollers and tools for
mulching and fallowing. Plow is designed to eliminate weeds, to prepare a suitable
seedbed, to improve the physical condition of the soil. Plows fall into mounted, semi
mounted, disc, moldboard plows. The main components of ploughs are the main
frame, the share, the moldboard, the disc coulter, the skim coulter, the headstock. The
function of sub- soiler is to penetrate into the deeper depths and break up the layers of
soil which have become compacted due to the movement of heavy machinery. A
harrow is an implement used to level the ground and crush the clods, to stir the soil,
and to prevent and destroy weeds. There are three principal kinds of harrow namely
the disk, the spike-tooth, and the spring tooth. 4. Cultivation machinery is used to
break down the soil before or after a crop is sown for covering seeds, for
consolidating the soil and for hoeing out weeds. There are several types of cultivators
designed for special crops and conditions: beet and bean cultivators, lister cultivators,
rotary hoe cultivators, rod weeders, field cultivators, sub-soil and chisel cultivators.
5. Planting equipment is any power-operated device introduced to place seeds or
plant parts in or on the soil for production of food and feed crops. It is classified as
row-crop planters, broad-cast planters, grain drills and planting attachments for other
equipment. 6. Applying such types of fertilizers as barnyard manure, granular
fertilizers, and fertilizers in liquid and gaseous form is necessary where soils are
deficient in plant food elements. Such fertilizing equipment as manure spreaders,
fertilizer distributors, sprayers are in use. 7. Crops are harvested by the use of many
kinds of harvesting equipment for all types of crops. The principal machines required
to make hay are mowers, rakes, balers. Grain and all types of seed crops are
harvested by combine harvesters. Beet harvesters are available to harvest beet, potato
harvesters and diggers being for potatoes. 8. The tractor is the most important
machine pulling many kinds of implements that cultivate plant, fertilize, and harvest.
Wheeled tractors being used for general farm work, track-laying tractors or crawlers
have the great advantage that they can be available for heavy loads on any class of
Объект оценивания «Знание грамматического материала»
Типовые задания.
1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple


1. Bread (to eat) every day. 2. The letter (to receive) yesterday. 3. Nick (to send) to
Moscownext week. 4. I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday. 5. I (to give) a very
interesting book at the
library last Friday. 6. Many houses (to build) in our town every year. 7. This work (to
do) tomorrow. 8. This text (to translate) at the last lesson. 9. These trees (to plant) last
autumn. 10.Many interesting games always (to play) at our PT lessons. 11. This bone
(to give) to my dog tomorrow. 12. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday. 13. My
question (to answer) yesterday. 14. Hockey (to play) in winter. 15. Mushrooms (to
gather) in autumn. 16. Many houses (to burn) during the Great Fire of London. 17.
His new book (to finish) next year. 18. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets.
19. St. Petersburg (to found) in 1703.
2. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice, обращая внимание
на место предлога.
E.g. We often speak about her. — She is often spoken about.
1. We thought about our friend all the time. 2. The doctor will operate on him in a
week. 3. The teacher sent for the pupil's parents. 4. They looked for the newspaper
everywhere. 5. Nobody slept in the bed. 6. The neighbour asked for the telegram. 7.
Everybody listened tothe lecturer with great attention. 8. The senior students laughed
at the freshman. 9. The group spoke to the headmistress yesterday. 10. The young
mothers looked after their babies with great care. 11. Nobody lived in that old house.
12. They sent for Jim and told him to prepare a report on that subject.
3. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.
E.g. Mother waters the flowers in the evening.
The flowers are watered in the evening (by Mother)
1. A marble pavillion protects the house. 2. The boys will paint the roof of the house.
3. Tom Sawyer whitewashed the fence. 4. Her daughters gave her three beautiful
dishes as a birthday present. 5. Tom gave Nick a book for his birthday. 6. Our mother
tells us stories every evening. 7. Lydia will show you a new book of pictures. 8. A
boy showed her the way. 9. They will send us a box of fruit. 10. Five or six small
children followed them. 11. In summer the boys often drive the horses to the fields.
12. Ivan Susanin led the Poles into the thickest part of the forest. 13. The waves
carried the boat away. 14. We shall do the translation in the evening. 15. They water
the flowers regularly. 16. You promised me these books long ago,
17. Bessie's father gave her a complete set of Walter Scott's works. 18. Irene's
husband brought her some beautiful shells from the south. 19. The explorers gave the
newspaper reporters a long interview. 20. Mr. Wilson will teach you English. 21.
The doctor ordered mea month's rest from studying.
4.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Active или Passive Voice.
1. Nobody (to see) him yesterday. 2. The telegram (to receive) tomorrow. 3. He (to
give) me this book next week. 4. The answer to this question can (to find) in the
encyclopedia. 5. We (to show) the historical monuments of the capital to the
delegation. 6. You can (to find) interesting information about the life in the USA in
this book. 7. Budapest (to divide) by the Danube into two parts: Buda and Pest. 8.
Yuri Dolgoruki (to found) Moscow in 1147. 9. Moscow University (to found) by
Lomonosov. 10. We (to call) Zhukovski the father of Russian aviation.

Типовое задание 3 Прочтите текст "Clutches" и составьте план текста на

As it has already been mentioned, it is characteristic of аn internal combustion
engine to develop little power or torque of slow rotational speed. It is also well
known that more effort is required to start a body in motion than to keep it moving
once it is in motion. Therefore it isdesirable to allow the engine to attain increased
speed of rotation before it is required to put the automobile, truck or tractor in
motion. Obviously, a sudden connecting of rapidly rotating engine to the propelling
means of the stationary vehicle would result in violent shook. Gradual application
of the load along with some slowing of the engine speed is needed to provide
reasonable and comfortable starts. For this purpose many types of connecting means
have been used as a coupling between the engine and driving wheels. These devices
are of mechanical, electrical and hydraulic types. The clutch permits the driver to
connect the crankshaft to, or disconnect it
from, the power train. A clutch or disconnecting device is necessary, since the
automobile engine must be started without load. That is, it must not be required to
deliver any power during the starting period. In order to deliver power to the
engine the crankshaft must berotating at a reasonable speed of several hundred
revolutions per minute. The engine would start at speeds below 100 r.p.m.
(revolutions per minute), but it would not continue to operate at this low speed if a
load was immediately thrown on it. Consequently, a clutch is placed in the power
train between the crankshaft and the transmission. The clutch permits the engine to
run freely without delivering power to the power train. It also permits operation of
the transmission so that the various gear ration between the engine crankshaft and
the wheels maybe obtained.
Типовое задание 4.1. Закончите следующие предложения.
1 It is also well known that... .
2 Therefore it is desirable to allow ... .
3 Obviously,a sudden connecting of rapidly rotating engine to ... .
4 For this purpose many types of connecting means have been used as…
5 These devices are... .
6 The clutch permits the driver... .
The engine would start at
speeds .…8 Consequently, a
clutch is placed ... .
9 The clutch permits the
engine… .10 It also permits
operation... .
Типовое задание 4.2. Образуйте наречие от следующих слов, используя
- LY:
Consequent, immediate, reasonable, gradual, slow, comfortable, violent, usual,

Типовое задание 4.3. Найдите ответ, соответствующий содержанию текста.
1 What types of clutches do you
know?2 What is a clutch used for?
3 Where is a clutch placed?
Типовое задание 4.4. Передайте содержание текста на английском
языке, ис-пользуя следующие выражения:
the text is about .... ; the text deals with the problem of… ; the main problem of the text is... ; it is worth mentioning... .
Объект оценивание «Письменный перевод текста саннотированием»
Типовое задание 1. Письменный перевод аутентичного текста с
Analysis of Labour Terms in the Workplace
The analysis of terms of labor must be conducted from point of exposure of
possible (potential) dangerous and harmful production factors when someone
undergoes monitoring or maintenance where most of his or her time is spent
working with computer to simplify the particular task, through created hardware’s,
technological processes, by wrong organization of labor in apartment floors and on
Development of device was conducted in a Data management and distributing
company with a good number of workers that work in various departments on a
regular basis. The industry in question has personal computer sizes of that 9M x
11M x 4m. Accordingly, the industry of S measure is equal 380M2. Width of
evacuation exit is equal 4 x 0.8 m = 3.2M. In the industry, there are 50 persons
(N= 50) working on different task regarding their departmental duties/task. Many
of them use computer (operators of PC).Planning of laboratory is executed on PC
by several people and computers are located in the various departments/offices.
What is Labour Protection?
The system of technological, sanitary, hygienic, and legal measures directly aimed
at ensuring working conditions that are not harmful to human life and health. In
the former USSR and other socialist countries, the protection of the health of
working people and the elimination of occupational diseases and work injuries is
one of the chief concerns of the state. Significant sums are allocated every year for
labor protection and industrial safety. Achievements in labor protection in the
socialist countries are closely linked to technological progress; integrated
mechanization and automation of production make working conditions easier and
eliminate heavy physical labor. Protection of labor includes preventing the harmful
social consequences that can result if safety measures are neglected, and special
legal guaranties have been instituted to avoid such consequences.
Labour Protection also refer to as creation of safe and healthy terms of labour in
workplaces and workings areas.Labour protectionmediates the relationship

between workers, employers, trade unions and the government. Collective labour
law relates to the tripartite relationship between employee, employer and union.
Обьект оценивание «Знание грамматического материала и
практического его применения»
Типовые задания:
1.Переведите на русский язык.Мау I invite Nick tоour house? 2. You may go
now. 3. If you have done your homework, you may go for аwalk. 4. Don't go tо the
wood alone: you may lose your way. 5. Мау I go tothe post office with Mike? 6. Мау
I take Pete's bag? 7. Don't give the vase to the child: he may break it. 8. Мау we take
notes with а pencil? 9. You may not cross the street when the light is red.10. МауI
shut the door? 11. It stopped raining, and mother told us that we might go out. 12.
Мау children play with scissors? 13. They may travel by sea. It may be cheaper, but
it takes аlong time. 14. It may be true. 15. May I соmе and see you? 16. Where have
youbeen, may I ask?

Вставьте модальные глаголы may или can.

1. ... you see anything in this inky darkness? 2. You ... go when you have finished your

What shall we do if the train is late? It ... be late, you know, after the terrible
snowstorms we've had. 4. When ... you соmеand see me? — Let теsee: I ... not come
tomorrow, for I must be at the meeting, but on Sunday I`ll find time. Yes, you ...
expect mеon Sunday about two о'clock. Will that be all right? 5. You ... соmеin when
you have taken off your boots. 6. Be careful: you ... spill the milk if you carry it like
that. 7. Most children ... slide on the ice very well. 8. I don't think I ... be here by
eleven о'clock tomorrow, but I ... be. 9. … you say what will happen in an hour?
3. Перепишите каждое из следующих предложений дважды: в

прошедшем и в будущем времени. Заменяйme модальные глаголы must
и can эквивалентами, гденеобходимо.
1. You must listen to the tape recording of this text several times. 2. You must take
your exam in English. 3. She can translate this article without a dictionary. 4. We
can't meet them at the station. 5. The doctor must examine the child. 6. Не must
work systematically if he wants to know French well. 7. This child must spend more
time in the open air. 8. I can't recite this poem. 9. You must take part in this work.
10. Не can't join the party because he is busy. 11. I can settle my own problems.
4. Перепишите

каждое из следующих предложений дважды: в
прошедшем и в будущем времени. Заменяйme модальные глаголы must
и can эквивалентами, гденеобходимо.

1. You must listen to the tape recording of this text several times. 2. You must take
your exam in English. 3. She can translate this article without a dictionary. 4. We
can't meet them at the station. 5. The doctor must examine the child. 6. Не must
work systematically if he wants to know French well. 7. This child must spend
more time in the open air. 8. I can't recite this poem. 9. You must take part in this
work. 10. Не can't join the party because he is busy. 11. I can settle my own
Объект оценивания «Перевод аутентичного текстового материала »Типовое
задание: переведите текст на русский язык
Handling, lifting and transportequipmentHandling, lifting and transportequipment that
carry out only unloading of cars. All these machines are individually driven (electric,
hydraulic or internal combustion engine); 5) and others. When choosing a loading and
unloading machine, plant and equipment, it is necessary to proceed from the following
provisions: – loading and unloading machines, installations and equipment must: – to
ensure effective loading and unloading of materials and goods, as well as their
movement within the construction site or outside it, to be reliable in work, safe for
staff; – to be mutually coordinated in terms of productivity, type of rolling stock and to
ensurethe qualitative and quantitative safety of the materials and goods being handled;
– to ensure the integrated mechanization of the production process, and, where
possible, its automation; – to ensure the least laboriousness and cost of loading and
unloading operations, as well as to reduce the time of construction of facilities. When
choosing loading and unloading machines and cyclic installations (single-bucket
universal loaders and forklifts, special loaders, cranes of various types, single-bucket
excavators with special loading equipment, automobile self- loaders, railway car
unloaders), the initial data are production factors that characterize the working
conditions of the above means mechanization, working independently or in a set with
vehicles. The main initial data are: – the volume of work performed at the facility
(point of cargo handling); 2.1. Factors, determining the choice of lifting and transport
equipment 21 – thetype of loading and unloading operations (loading, unloading,
warehousing, stacking, moving, etc.); – types of materials to be handled and cargo
(bulk, lumpy, lumpy, piece, packaged, long), their volumetric characteristics,
dimensions, weight; – distance ofmovement, height of unloading, radius of unloading;
– the degree of dispersion of objects (cargo handling points) on the site; – soil and
climatic conditions. The working equipment of the cyclic machines is chosen on the
basis of the types of work that need to be mechanized: – for scooping, moving and
unloading bulk and lump materials, tilting buckets with a normal or increased
discharge height should be used, buckets are maxillary and with side unloading; – to
perform warehousing with piece and packaged goods, including lengthy ones, you
need to use various replacement equipment and lifting devices. A large variety of
material handling equipment, which most meets the requirements of mechanization
and automatization of loading and unloading and storage operations, can be classified
according to the main technical and operational characteristics:

Объект оценивание «Знание грамматического материала»
Типовые грамматические задания:
1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form.
1. It's no use ...talking... (talk) to Bob; he won't change his mind. 2.She will (return)
the books next weekend.
3 It was good of you (help) me fix my bicycle.
4 The man suggested (call) the police in, to investigate. 5 I can't get used to (live) in
such a hot country.
6.He admitted (rob) the bank.
7You had better (hurry), or you'll be late for work. 8 They refused (give) me my
money back.
9 She is too short (become) a fashion model.
2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form.
1 A: Is Anne in the room?
B: Yes. I can see her ...dancing... (dance) with her husband over there.2 A: Did you
see the robber?
B: Yes. I saw him (get) into the car and drive away. 3 A: Is John here today?B: Yes.
I heard him (talk) on the phone as I walked past his office. 4 A: Colin is good at
speaking in public, isn't he?
B: Yes. I heard him…… (make) a speech last month. It was excellent. 5 A: I walked
past the sports centre today.
B: So did I, and I stopped for a moment to watch some boys…… (play) football. 6
A: Your hair looks great today.
B: Thanks. I watched the hairdresser……(dry) it so I could learn how to do it
myself.6.A: That's a music school, isn't it?
B: That's right. I often hear the students……… (sing) as I walk past.A: Did you stay
until the end of the contest?
B: Yes. I listened to the chairman (announce) the results before I went home. 9 A:
How do you know Tim is at home?
B: I saw him (cut) the grass as I was driving home. 10 A: How do you know that
man stole the watch ?
B: I saw him (put) it in his pocket and leave the shop without paying
3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form.

My neighbour, Mr Mason, loves 1) ...spending... (spend) time in his garden. He
would rather 2)(work) outside than stay indoors, even when it is snowing! Early in
the morning, you
can 3)……..(see) Mr Mason 4)…… (eat) breakfast in his garden, and late at night
he is there again, with a cup of cocoa in his hand. I'd like 5) (help) sometimes when
there is lots of
work to do, but Mr Mason prefers 6)... (do) everything himself. He doesn't mind 7)
….(get) cold and wet in the winter, and his wife says it's no use 8) (try) to make him
wear a waterproof jacket because he hates 9).. I (wear) them! Mr Mason says he will

on 10)…. (garden) until he is too old 11)…… (do) it!
4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form.
1 I don't know what 1) ...to do... (do) at the weekend. I fancy

2) (go) to the

cinema, but
none of my friends enjoy 3)…. (watch) films very much.
2 Paul had his driving test today. He tried 1) (not/make) any mistakes, but he
failed. He expects 2) (pass) the test the next time he takes it.
3 Tom often goes 1) (walk) at the weekends. He doesn't like 2)……
(take) anyone with him because he prefers 3) (be) alone while he walks.
4 We had better 1) (hurry) home tonight because our parents have promised 2)
(take) us outfor dinner. I don't know why they want…. 3) (eat) out, but we must 4)
(arrive) home on
5 James is rich and can afford 1) …(buy)expensive things. He is always willing 2)

(lend) money to people who need it, because he
enjoys 3) (help) others.
6 My parents let me 1) …… (stay) at my friend's house last weekend. They agreed
……2)(take) me in the car and they made me 3)
(promise) to behave myself. It
was a great
5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form

Dear Jessica,
How are you? I'm busy 1) ...studying (study) for my exam which is next week,
but I've
decided 2) ……(take) a break and 3)……(write) you a letter. 4) ….(read) so many
notes and 5)…. (learn) so many facts is making me very tired. I can't wait 6) ……
(finish) my course! Then, I can start 7) (look) for a good job.Sophie started her
new job last month.
8) ................................ (work) at the hospital suits her – she loves
9) ….. (look) after people. She hopes 10)…. (stay) in this job for a couple of years
and then she intends 11)
(try) for a promotion.
By the way, how are you getting on now that you are a manager? I forgot ….
12) (congratulate) you when I saw you. Anyway, I've got to go now. Write soon and
tell me allyour news, won't you? Best Wishes, Maggi
Тема 12. Инструкции по технике безопасности при ремонте и вождении
сельскохозяйственной техники.
Перевод и аннотирвание аутентичного текстового материала.

Грамматические упражнения на образование и употребление « Причастия 1 и
Объект оценивания «Перевод аутентичного текстового материала »
Типовое задание: переведите текст на русский язык
If you're about to fix your car, make sure you stick to certain safety rules to not only
protect your beloved wheels but also your own safety! Check the tips below!
Repairing a car may seem an easy task to you especially when you have this
hand. You may also be a renowned car expert and have lots of people trooping into
your workshop daily because of your skills in proffering solution to any kind of
mechanical problem. Do not forget that despite all these, it is very important for you
to understand the safety procedure to avert mishap or any unfortunate occurrence
right at your workshop that will cut short your illustrious career.
These rules also apply to those who intend to repair their vehicles at their homes.
Naijauto – your No.1 automobile portal in Nigeria has identified 10 simple rules
that will you keep safe every time you start working on a vehicle.
10 simple safety rules when repairing a car
1. You do not want to smoke while working on a car. It is wrong and such practice
should bestopped to avoid explosion or any other form of mishap.
2. Make sure you check the wheels of the car you are operating on for lock before

you embarkon lifting the car up by jack.
3. Do not work on hot engine. It will burn any part of your body that touches it.

Ensure thatthe engine has cooled off before working on it.
4. You can only leave the engine running only when necessary. Otherwise, you need

to poweroff the engine and put your gear at neutral or park position.
Wearing gloves while working on a car is essential for your safety
5. To avoid electrical shock, make sure you use insulated tools to work on
6. Dress appropriately for repair. This means you should not be wearing ring,

necklaces orother body accessories while working on a car.
7. Protect your body from exposure to toxic chemicals such as coolant. If possible

wear facemask or goggle to protect sensitive places in your body.
8. In case of minor fire outbreak, having your fire extinguisher will quickly
help in cutshorting any form of escalation or fire outbreak.Make sure your garage is
well ventilated. This implies allowing sufficient air to gain accessto your workshop.
If there need for you to open window to do, please do not hesitate.
9. Always have your first aid kit handy at your workshop in case of minor injury.

Объект оценивание «Знание грамматического материала»
Типовые грамматические задания:
Перевести на русский язык.
1. A letter sent from St. Petersburg today will be in Moscow tomorrow. He saw
some people in the post office sending telegrams.
When sending the telegram, she forgot to write her name.
2. Some of questions put to the lecturer yesterday were very important. The girl
putting the book on the shelf is the new librarian.
While putting the eggs into the basket, she broke one of them.
3. A fish taken out of the water cannot live.
A person taking a sunbath must be very careful.
Having taken a dictionary, he began to translate the text.
4. A line seen though this crystal looks double.
A teacher seeing a mistake in a student’s dictation always corrects it. Seeing clouds
of smoke over the house, the girl cried: “Fire!”
5. The word said by the student was not correct.
The man standing at the door f the train carriage and saying goodbye to his friends
is a well-known musician.
Standing at the window, she was waving her hand.
6. A word spoken in time may have important results.
The student speaking good English must help their classmates. The speaking doll
interested the child very much.
While speaking to nick some days ago, I forgot to ask him about his sister.
Перевести на английский язык.
7. приносящий; принесенный; принося; принеся; приносимый; будучи
8. переводящий; переведенный; переводя; переведя; переводимый; будучи
9. дающий; данный; давая; дав; даваемый; будучи данным;
10. делающий; сделанный; делая; сделав; делаемый; будучи сделанными;
11. говорящий; сказанный; говоря; сказав; будучи сказанным; произносимое;
12. играющий; сыгранный; играя; сыграв; играющийся; будучи сыгранным;
Выбрать нужную форму глагола.a) We listened to the girls (singing, sung)
Russian folk songs.
b) We listened to the Russian folk songs (singing, sung) by the girls.
1. a) The girl (washing, washed) the floor is my sister.
b) The floor (washing washed) by Helen looked very clean.
2. a) Who is that boy (doing, done) his homework?
b) The exercise (doing, done) by the pupils were easy.
3. a) The house (surrounding, surrounded) by tall trees is very beautiful.
b) The wall (surrounding, surrounded) the house was very high.
4. a) The girl (writing, written) is our best pupil.
b) Everything (writing, written) here is quite right.
5. a) Read the (translating, translated) sentences one more.

b) The pupils (translating, translated) a very difficult text are tired.
Вставить причастия в нужной форме.
13. Девочка, зовущая меня, моя сестра.The girl … me is my sister.
14. Он смотрел на женщину, сидящую за столом. He looked at the woman … at
the table.
15. Текст, переведенный учеником, - легкий.The text … by the pupil is easy.
16. Идя в школу, я встретил дядю.
… to school, I met my uncle.
17. Они увидели бегущих спортсменов.They saw … sportsmen.
18. Написав письмо, он пошел на работу.
… the letter, he went to work.
19. Он стоял, смотря игру.He stood … the game.
20. Закончив работу, он пошел домой.
… the work, he went home.
21. Уходя на работу, он забыл сумку.
… for work, he forgot to take his bag.
22. Это статья, описывающая политические события. This is an article … the
political events.
Поставить глаголы в нужной форме Present Participle \ Perfect Participle.
23. (to live) in the south of our country, he can not enjoy the beauty of Moscow.
24. (to read) the story, she closed the book and put it on the shelf.
25. (to buy) some fruit and cakes, we went home.
26. (to sit) near the fire, he felt very warm.
27. (to sell) fruit, he looked back from time to time, hoping to see his friends.
28. (to sell) his fruit, he went to see his friends.
29. (to write) out and (to learn) all the new words, he was able to translate the text
30. (to look) through some magazines, I came across an interesting article about
31. (to do) homework he was thinking hard.
32. (to do) homework he went for a work.
Тема 13. Я хочу быть техником .. Грамматические упражнения на
употребление герундия.
Проверка и оценка диалогического высказывания по теме «моя профессия автомеханик.
Объект оценивания «Знание грамматики и ее практическое
Типовое задание 1. Переведите предложения, содержащие герундий (в
формеIndefinite Active) в роли подлежащего. Помните, что после герундия
может использоваться прямое дополнение (без предлога!).
1. Using the word was his mistake. 2. Making a decision is a complex process. 3.
Considering these problems took us much time. 4. Learning without thought is

labour lost, thought without learning is perilous (Confucius). 5. Having access to the
code was symbolic.
6. Beating a child will do more harm than good. 7. Trying to minimize the
importance of thediscovery was of no use.
2. Определите (с помощью замены беспредложных сочетаний
предложными или подбора лексического значения слова), является ли
ing-форма герундием илипричастием, или и тем и тем одновременно.
A heating system, the blowing wind, building materials, a training machine, a
shining star,the blowing machine, a writing table, living conditions, a freezing point,
a reading lamp, a searching process, a planning stage, a planning office.
З. Переведите предложения, уделяя особое внимание герундию в роли
1. Life is an art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises (S.
Butler). 2. They established a committee for the purpose of considering the
nomenclature. 3. A searchingperiod is an important stage in the process. 4. Stage 1
includes the process of selecting the task. 5. The planning stage is the most
important one.
4. Переведите предложения, выделяя герундий в роли обстоятельства.
Особоевнимание уделяйте предлогам.
1. Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing him. 2. Do not do anything
without thinking. 3. Know your own faults before blaming others for theirs. 4. Learn
by doing. 5. You cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs. 6. He spoke while
watching his opponents. 7. Appetite comes with eating. 8. Upon switching off the
current the pressure dropped. 9. Oncoming home I have a rest. 10. We grow mature
through training. 11. You should check theoil before starting the car.
5. Переведите предложения, уделяя особое внимание герундию в роли
подлежащего, определения и обстоятельства.
1. The secret of being tiresome (надоедливый, утомительный) is in telling
everything (F. Voltaire). 2. Life is a matter of making wise choices – of knowing
when to draw the line. 3. He died without leaving either a personal or a political
will. 4. Search theory is potentially applicable to any sort of searching process. 5.
They were against postponing the meeting and for going on with the discussion of
this problem. 6. We were all for starting the experiment at once. 7. They answered
the question in part by studying the behavior of the optimal strategy.
8. We modified the plan while retaining its main goal. 9. They stopped the
experiment without examining the results. 10. Building a new model may well be
desirable. 11. Doing soremoved the possibility of disappointment.
6. Переведите на английский.
1. Мы примем (какое-то) решение после изменения плана. 2. Мы будем
использовать эту информацию при проверке нашей программы. 3. Они
осуществили этот процесс, используя (с помощью использования) новый

метод. 4. Мы были за обсуждение этой проблемы. 5. Они будут против
организации (установления) этого комитета. 6. Мы получили хорошие
результаты, не начиная новой серии экспериментов
Объект оценивания «Говорение и аудирование»
Типовые задания:
1. Воспроизведите мини диалоги. Составьте свои собственные и выучите
At a Garage – 1
Could you book me in for a full service, please?
– Certainly, madam. I just need to know the year and model.
– I can’t remember the year but it’s a “D” registration.
– I think I can fit you in first thing tomorrow morning.
– That’d suit me fine. And while you’ve got it, could you have a look at the brakes
as well?
– Yes, we always check everything thoroughly.
At a Garage – 2
– I’d like to arrange to have my car serviced.
– Yes, of course. Which year and model is it?
– It’s a 1986 model – the smallest one in the range.
– How would next Friday afternoon suit you?
– That’d be perfect. And could you also try to improve the starting?
– Yes, we’ll do that as a matter of course.
At a Garage – 3
Could you book my car in for a service? It’s well overdue.
That’s no problem. Can you tell me the year and model?
It’s a 500 series – and it’s less than a year old.
Can you bring it in on Thursday?
That should be OK. And perhaps you could see to the clutch – it keeps slipping.
Yes, I’ll make a special note of it.
At a Garage – 4


My car needs servicing. Can I get it done here?
Yes, I think we can help you. Which year and model, please?
It’s last year’s model – the estate version.
How about next Wednesday morning?
That’s fine. And at the same time, could you do something about the sunroof? It
lets the rainin.
– Yes, we’ll do that for you.
Hiring a Car – 1
– How much is it to rent a large estate car?
– £24 a day or £135 a week.
– Will I be able to have one next weekend?
– Have you got a current licence?

– Yes, I’ve been driving since I was eighteen.
– Good. All you do now is complete this form.

Hiring a Car – 2
– What’s the rate for one of your medium-sized vans?
– The daily rate is £23, and the weekly £128.
– Right then. I’d like to book one for next Friday, please.
– Is yours a full licence?
– Yes, I’ve had one ever since 1978.
– OK. If you’ll just fill up this form, I’ll book you one.
Hiring a Car – 3

Can you tell me the hire charge for minibuses please?
You can have one for £20 a day, or £138 for a week.
All right. I’ll take one for the week starting Tuesday next.
Is your driving licence valid?
Yes, there’s no problem there.
Fine. We’ll need some particulars and a £25 deposit.

Hiring a Car – 4

Suppose I wanted to hire a van – how much would il cost?
£22 per day, £130 per week.
Fair enough. Reserve me one from the 1st to the 10th, please.
Have you held a licence for over two years?
Yes, here it is.
Right. In that case there’s only a form to till in

Промежуточная аттестация (дифференцированный зачет
Переведите на русский язык микротексты. Обратите внимание на
выделенныеграмматические структуры.
Agriculture is an important branch of economy. Economic growth of any
country depends on the development of agriculture which supplies people with
food and clothing and industry with rawmaterials.
The word "agre" is a Latin word. It means the cultivation of fields in order to
grow crops. Now agriculture also includes the use of land to breed
farm animals.
We do not know when people began to grow crops. It was many thousand
years ago. Now crop production and animal husbandry are highly developed
branches of agriculture.
Life is impossible without plants. They play a highly, important role in everyday life
of people. Plantsthat ate grown by farmers are known as farm crops. They are used
for many different purposes.
Most of them are used directly as food for people, some are consumed by farm

animals, others are usedin industry and medicine.
Настоящее простое и настоящее длительное время:Present Simple
and Present Continuous. Употребить нужное время, аргументировать
свой выбор:
1.The river Nile flows/is flowing into the Mediterranean. 2.The boy does/is
doing his homework now. 3. She seldom comes/is coming home so early.
4.Birds fly/are flying to warm countries in autumn.5. Mary takes/is taking a
shower in the morning.
3. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения,
подчеркните неопределенные местоимения.
1. Some of us agree with the statement.
2. I did not see any change in his life.
3. Nobody can help him under the circumstances.
4. Something prevented him from coming.
1. Переведите на русский язык микротексты. Обратите внимание на
выделенныеграмматические структуры.
Crops . For successful production, the land must be prepared (ploughed,
cultivated, harrowed, and rolled), seed must be planted and the growing plants
nurtured. This may involve fertilizers, irrigation, pest control by chemicals, and
monitoring of acidity or nutrients. When the crop has grown, it must be harvested
and, depending on the crop, processed in a variety of ways before it is stored or
sold. Greenhouses allow cultivation of plants in coldclimates. Hydroponics allows
commercial cultivation of crops using nutrient-enriched water instead of soil.
Special methods, such as terracing, may be adopted to allow cultivation in steep
regions and to retain topsoil in mountainous areas with heavy rainfall.
Настоящее совершенное и настоящее совершенное длительное время
Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous. Употребить нужное время,
аргументировать свой выбор: 1.They have planted/have been planting trees since
morning.2.The children have decorated/have been decorating a fir-tree, look, isn't it
nice? 3. Mary is still in the kitchen, she has cleaned/has been cleaning it all
morning.4.Jane has been writing/has written letters all day. 5. Bill has written/has
been writing two poems today.
Выберите прилагательное в соответствующей степени сравнения.
Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. He found the work (easy, easier, the easiest) than he had expected.
2. She was (active, more active, the most active) of us.
3. He felt (bad, worse, the worst) yesterday than the day before.
4. When he had left Paris it was as (cold, colder, the coldest) as in winter there.
Переведите на русский язык микротексты. Обратите внимание на
выделенныеграмматические структуры.

Primary tillage, or plowing, may be done by various kinds of plows, such as twoway plows, disk plows, rotary plows, etc. The plows may be both tractor-mounted
and tractor-drawn.
Tractor-drawn plows are attached to the tractor by an adjustable hitch which
permits horizontal adjustment of the plow and prevents "nosing" of plow
points. The hitch incorporates a spring release or some other device which
disconnects the plow when it strikes an obstacle. In some plows each bottom is
held in working position by a heavy spring which permits the bottom to raise and
pass over the obstacle. Tractor-drawn plows are provided with a lifting
mechanism which raises them from or lowers them to their working position.
The lifting mechanism may be either mechanical or hydraulic. There are also1
two levers —one for regulating the depth of plowing, the other for levelling the
Простое прошедшее и прошедшее длительное время:Past Simple and
Past Continuous.Употребить нужное время, аргументировать свой выбор:
1.The woman did not see that the girl was looking/looked at her. 2.She was putting
on/put on a sweater while I was talking to the manager.3. I broke/was breaking a
plate last night. 4. Fred was not driving very fast when the accident happened/was
happening. 5. Yesterday I did not see /was not seeing Julia.
3. Вставьте there’s или it’s. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
… a beautiful garden near the house.
Where is the cat? … under the sofa.
… no theatre in that small town.
… hot today.
1. Переведите на русский язык микротексты. Обратите внимание на
выделенныеграмматические структуры.
Potato is a highly important food crop. In addition it is used as livestock feed
and asan industrial crop. Now it is grown in most countries of the world.
Good yields are obtained where growing season temperature is between 16
to 21°C and where the rainfall is 12 to 18 inches (дюйм = 2,5 см) per year. So,
commercial production is largely limited to die areas where the climate is cool
and moist. Potatoes are known to produce better yields when they are grown
after alfalfa and are planted in the same field only once (один раз) in six or
seven years.
2. Прошедшее совершенное и прошедшее совершенное длительное
время:Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous. Употребить нужное время,
аргументировать свой выбор:
1. I was tired, I had worked/had been working all day. 2. We had been
studying/had studied foreign languages since we became a students. 3.When I
phoned her, she had already gone/had been going.4.They had been finishing/had
finished the experiment by Sunday. 5.He had studied/had been studying the

problem for a few years before e could solve it.
3. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения,
подчеркните неопределенные местоимения.
1. When arriving in a foreign country one goes through the customs.
2. Speaking on TV the Prime Minister said that the Government would take some
practical steps to increase competition and improve the work of public services
(средства общественного транспорта и связи).
3. MP’s proposal (MP–член парламента) doesn’t seem to have aroused
4. She didn’t tell anyone about her secret. Not a person.
1. Переведите на русский язык микротексты. Обратите внимание на
выделенныеграмматические структуры.
Beet crop is one of the most widely grown root crops. There are two main kinds
of beets, sugar beets and table beets. Both of them are best adapted to growing
in the temperate climate.
Table beets are used by people for food when roots are young. At this time they
are rich in protein and minerals.
Sugar beet is an industrial crop. It is high in sugar, up to 20 per cent. There
are some factors which favour the accumulation of sugar in the roots. They are
soil fertility, enough moisture, low temperature.
2. Простое будущее и будущее длительное время:Future Simple and Future
Continuous.Употребить нужное время, аргументировать свой выбор:
1.This time tomorrow we will lie/will be lying on the beach. 2.I shall give/shall be
giving you an aspirin.3. He will be working/will work on a new play during next
summer.4.They will be still discussing/will still discuss the problem at 11 a.m. 5.I
hope she will have/will be having ajob in 2 years.
3. Образуйте Participle I или Participle II от глаголов в скобках.
Why have you got that … (worry) expression on your face? Are you in trouble?
The teacher was … (disappoint) with the test results.
Jack’s answer was … (disappoint).
I went to the exhibition of French art last week and I was very much …

1. Переведите на русский язык микротексты. Обратите внимание на
выделенныеграмматические структуры.
Electricity has become highly important in our modern world. It has made our
work easier and our life more comfortable.
In agriculture electricity is being used in many ways. It is especially widely
applied in animal buildings for lighting and for operating different machines such as
barn cleaners, feedconveyers, automatic ventilators and automatic waterers.

Electric energy is more economical than any other forms of energy. Electricity
operated machines save time and labour, increase labour productivity and
improve the quality of work.
2. Будущее совершенное и будущее совершенное длительное время::Future
Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous. Употребить нужное время,
аргументировать свой выбор: 1.She will have looked /will have been looking
through all papers by the end of the week.2.We shall have translated /shall have
been translating the text by next Monday.3.Next year we shall have studied/shall
have been studying French for three month.4.In half an hour they will have
written/will have been writing a test for two hours.5.The students will have
passed/will have been passing the exams by July.
.Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число
(обратите внимание на артикли: неопределенный артикль во множественном
числе опускается, определенный артикль сохраняется).
A baby, a plant, a lemon, a peach, a banana, a brush, a star, a mountain, a tree, a
shilling, a king, the waiter, the man, a woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city, a
boy, a goose, the watch, a mouse, a dress, a toy, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox,
a deer, the life, a tomato.
Переведите на русский язык микротексты. Обратите внимание на
выделенныеграмматические структуры.
We know the engine to be the source of power. In some types of engines a V-type
fan belt is utilized to drive the fan, the same belt being used for driving the
generator pulley and the water pump. The engine is known to comprise the fuel,
cooling, electric and lubricating systems. It should be noted that the gasoline pump
is operated from the camshaft by the engine, called also the power plant. To guide
the car means to turn it in one direction or theother
Другие способы выражения будущего времени: Other ways of rendering
future action. Выполнить перевод предложений, определить способ
1.I am going to do this exercise. 2. This train starts in a quarter of an hour.3. The
expedition isarriving in a week.4.They are living in a few days.5.She is about to cry.
3. Вставьте подходящий артикль в предложения.
Bermuda Triangle is located in
Atlantic Ocean.
2. The longest river of the world is
Nile River.
3. The lowest lake of the world is
Dead Sea, the deepest lake is Lake
Baikal,the longest lake is Tanganyika.
Lake Superior is the largest of
Great Lakes.
1. Переведите на русский язык микротексты. Обратите внимание на
выделенныеграмматические структуры.
Brakes are known to be one of the most important mechanisms of the car. They
are necessary for stopping the car. Most braking systems used today are hydraulic,

many vehicles using power brakes. We know the brakes to be applied to four
wheels. In order to stop the car, the driver should press down on the pedal. When
the pedal is pressed down the brakes are applied and the car is stopped.
2. Модальные глаголы: modal verbs can and must. Употребить нужный
модальныйглагол, аргументировать свой выбор:
1.My brother
draw simple pictures with his left hand.2. The girl
English verywell.3. People
take care of
nature. 4.You
prepare the sales report.5. He is very strong, he run 1500 m
in 5 minutes.
3. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп
Simple (Indefinite) или Continuous. Перепишите и переведите
предложения нарусский язык.
1. The police (stop) me on my way home last night.
2. The Smiths have bought a new house. They (move in) at the moment.
3. Your dad (meet) you at the airport. Don’t worry.
4. All the evening yesterday we (listen) to the old records.
1. Переведите на русский язык микротексты. Обратите внимание на
выделенныеграмматические структуры.
In order to drive the car, the driver should have some means of turning the front
wheels. We know the steering wheel to be located at the front of the driver. It is
linked by gears and levers to the front wheels, these wheels being on pivots. The
front wheels are known to swing to the
left or right when the steering wheel is turned in one direction or the other. The
front wheels are attached to the rods, the rods are, in turn, attached to the pitman
2. Модальные глаголы: modal verbs: ought and might. Употребить нужный
модальныйглагол, аргументировать свой выбор:
1.Your purse
be in the living-room. 2. You visit the botanical gardens during
your visit if you want.3. I borrow your pen? 4.He is doing illegal things, we
report to the police.5.The newlyweds have just returned from their honeymoon trip
to be full of impressions.
3. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп
Perfect или Perfect Continuous. Перепишите и переведите
предложения нарусский язык.
1. Some time ago Jill’s hair was short but now it is long. She (grow) it again.
2. Tomorrow the terrorists (hold) the hostages for three days.
3. We were late for the station. The train (start) two minutes before we came.
4. Are you still watching television? You (watch) it since I left for
work in themorning.
1. Переведите на русский язык микротексты. Обратите внимание на
выделенныеграмматические структуры.

Hard hand labour has been reduced. Production and income per person
engaged in farming have been markedly increased. Land that was needed to
produce feed for horses is now used for the production of food for people. Farm
work can be done more rapidly when weather and soil conditions are most
favourable. Crops can be planted, cultivated and harvested in a shorter time than
in the past.
Farmers must have more capital to be engaged in farming because of large
investments in farm machines and other equipment. Farmers must have a larger
and more stable incometo have money for electricity and tractor fuel. Farms have to
be larger in size. So, small farms are disappearing and many farmers cannot be
engaged in farming. Farmers must have better knowledge and skill in operating
modern farm equipment efficiently.
Модальные глаголы: modal verbs: may and should. Употребить нужный
модальныйглагол, аргументировать свой выбор:
I ask you a question? 2.
I come in? 3.You focus more on your
family and less on work. 4. When you go to Berlin, you _visit the palaces.5.Jack
be upset. I donot know if he is annoyed or tired.
3. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его
видовременнуюформу. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. The situation calls for immediate actions.
2. This is the third time Bill has phoned his friend this evening.
3. Parliament resumed the emergency debate last Friday.
4. The introduction of new technologies will promote economic development.
Переведите на русский язык микротексты. Обратите внимание на
выделенныеграмматические структуры.
Brakes are known to be used for stopping the car. Most braking systems used
today are hydraulic, many vehicles having power brakes. To stop the car, the
driver should apply the brakes. We know the brakes to have been applied to the
front wheels. At present the brakes are applied to all four wheels. The brakes are
controlled by a pedal. When the driver presses down on the pedal the brakes are
applied and the car is stopped.
Модальные глаголы: modal verbs: could and need. Употребить нужный
модальныйглагол, аргументировать свой выбор:
not buy mineral water, we have plenty. 2. I get in touch with the
press? 3.
I go with you, I am too tired.4.
you do me a favor? 5.She be
3. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп
Simple (Indefinite) или Continuous. Перепишите и переведите
предложения нарусский язык.
Переведите на русский язык микротексты. Обратите внимание на
выделенныеграмматические структуры.

The clutch is known to be the part of the power train. Besides the clutch, the power
train also includes the gearbox, propeller shaft, rear axle, final drive, differential
and axle shafts. The gearbox named transmission is located between the clutch
and the propeller shaft. We know the clutch to consist of the driven plate and the
pressure plate, the driven plate having fabric linings on each side. To connect
the engine with the gearbox, the driver shouldengage the clutch.
Модальные глаголы: modal verbs: shall and to be to.Употребить
нужный модальныйглагол, аргументировать свой выбор:
1.It is too crowded here, we go to the park? 2.Where is he found? 3. I help
you? 4. The chief says I am in charge of the programme.5. You be punished for
thebroken vase.
3. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп
Perfect или Perfect Continuous. Перепишите и переведите
предложения нарусский язык.
1. George smokes. He (smoke) for five years.
2. They already (paint) the walls in their flat.
3. The builder says he (finish) the roof by next week.
4. When I got to the car park I realised that I (lose) my keys.
Переведите на русский язык микротексты. Обратите внимание на
выделенныеграмматические структуры.
Mechanization and application of other scientific developments to farming
have increased the output per farm worker. Hand labour required for farming
has markedly decreased while the production per person has increased.
The increase in production is greater in crop farming than in livestock
breeding because crop production has been mechanized to a greater extent2 than
in livestock production.
About 50 years ago 27 per cent of the total population of the country was
engaged in agriculture, now the employment in this sector of the economy is
about 2.5%.
In 1955 labour made up 32 per cent of the cost of farming; by 1980 it only 3.1
per cent. The machinery cost in farming, on the other hand, has continued to
The organization of agriculture in the years to come will use less land, lees
labour, fewer but better managers and much more capital, machines and various
types of technology. These trends have been in progress for decades and it is
unlikely3 that there will be any change from this direction.
Модальные глаголы: modal verbs: would and dare. Употребить нужный
модальныйглагол, аргументировать свой выбор:
he tell me what to do? 2.She not to contradict me.3. you open
awindow, please? 4.I you to say this in his presence. 5. you like tea or
3. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.

Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите
видовременнуюформу. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. It’s raining again. Take your umbrella.
2. My mother always forgets my birthday.
3. I am sure Andrew will come to see us this evening.
4. I knew that he was waiting for somebody.


Переведите на русский язык микротексты. Обратите внимание на
выделенныеграмматические структуры.
The tractor industry in our country is highly developed. Many different types
of tractors are being produced for doing various agricultural practices on soils,
including the K-701 wheeled tractor powered by a 300 horse power engine the T150 crawler tractor, MTZ
— 80 wheeled tractor and many others. These tractors are used with different
mounted and trailed farm machines for plowing, cultivating, harrowing,
sowing and harvesting agricultural crops.
At present millions of tractors are working in the fields of the state and collective
farms. With the modern Soviet tractors all the main field operations have been fully
mechanized in our country.
Страдательный залог: The Passive Voice. Поставьте предложения в
1.They promised the children many new toys. 2. I have already sent a telegram to
my mother.
3. He wrote many letters to his wife. 4. They will give her a part in a new play.
5.My sistertaught me cooking and housekeeping
3. Выберите нужную форму глагола to be. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. Jane (will be, was, is) at home at the moment.
2. Where (are, was, were) you at 11 o’clock last Friday morning?
3. They (are, will be, were) engineers in 5 years.
4. Books (will be, were, are) expensive nowadays.
Переведите на русский язык микротексты. Обратите внимание на
выделенныеграмматические структуры.
It is known that the need for more food, feed and industrial crops l regularly
grows. Farmers usually meet these ever increasing demands by increasing crop
yields. This largely depends on the quantity and quality of the machinery
supplied by tractor and agricultural engineering industry. The most
important machine used on farms is the tractor. The heart of the tractor is its
power unit, that is, the engine.
The main trend adopted in designing new tractors and other farm machinery is as

— to increase the capacity of the engine, mainly

byincreasing its power and field speed;
— to improve the design of transmission, chassis
andthe engine;
— to reduce fuel consumption and maintenance time;
2 Герундий The gerund. Используйте герундий для глагола в скобках:
1.Your hair is very long. It needs(cut). 2.The house looks shabby. It wants (repair).
3.His answer is very good, he deserves(praise). 4. The fence looks dull. It needs
(paint).5. His remark is witty. It is worth(quote).
3. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп Simple (Indefinite)
или Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения нарусский язык.
1. The kettle (boil). Can you turn it off, please?
2. Water (boil) at 100 degrees Celsius.
3. The police (stop) him on his way home last night.
4. The sky is black. I think it (rain).
Переведите на русский язык микротексты. Обратите внимание на
выделенныеграмматические структуры.
The automobile is known to consist of the engine, the body and the chassis, the
engine being the source of power. The body has a hood and lenders and
accessories: heater, lights and radio. It should provide protection to the passengers
from wind and rain. The chassis is known to
include the power train, frame and wheels. Streamlining is an important factor.
To streamline a car means to shape it in such a manner that it offers small
resistance to the air.
Выберите прилагательное в соответствующей степени сравнения.
Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. It’s (easy, easier, the easiest) to phone than to write a letter.
2. Sydney is (large, larger, the largest) city in Australia.
3. Money is important, but it isn’t (important, more important, the most
important)thing in life.
4. Italy has (old, older, the oldest) population in the world.
3.Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп
Perfect или Perfect Continuous. Перепишите и переведите
предложения нарусский язык.
1. Tom (smoke) ten cigarettes today.
2. Ron (study) very much this term.
3. It (snow) for two hours.
4. He (play) chess since he was eight
Критерии оценивания ответов:
- Оценка «5» (отлично) ставится, если обучающийся показал полное знание и
понимание всего материала, смог составить полный и правильный ответ,
сформулировал точное определение и истолкование основных понятий,
аргументировано утверждал суждение.

- Оценка «4» (хорошо) ставится, если обучающийся показал знания всего
изученного программного материала. Дал полный и правильный ответ на
основе изученных теорий; допустил незначительные ошибки и недочеты при
воспроизведении изученного материала.
- Оценка «3» (оценка) ставится, если обучающийся усвоил основное
содержание учебного материала, имеет пробелы в усвоении материала, не
препятствующие дальнейшему усвоению программного материала; материал
излагает не систематизировано, фрагментарно, не всегда последовательно.
- Оценка «2» (неудовлетворительно) ставится, если обучающийся не усвоил и
не раскрыл основное содержание материала; не делает выводов и обобщений.
Не знает и не понимает значительную или основную часть программного
материала в пределах поставленных вопросов или имеет слабо
сформированные и неполные знания и не умеет применять их к решению
конкретных вопросов.


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